Welcome to the Blog
I believe most people, like me, are looking for natural solutions for their health care needs, from a trusted company.
About 5 years ago as I faced my own chronic health issues, I for the first time in my life could really be in my patient’s shoes. Saying that it was challenging is an understatement. It was confusing, and overwhelming.
Being a pharmacist, I knew all my pharmaceutical treatment options. These options had side effects I was not happy with and I knew I could not use them long term. Not inspired with the current conventional therapies, my desire to heal naturally took over and then I began my journey to apply natural options to help my body heal. What I researched, learned, understood, and applied for myself, inspired me to share. I wanted to extend this wealth of natural healing knowledge to the community, so I launched Trulaa Health.
Trulaa Health is my Ikigai! Ikigai is a Japanese concept referring to having a direction or purpose in life, providing a sense of fulfillment to a person, and towards which they take actions, giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning. Trulaa Health has given me a platform to create joyously and make a positive impact in the health and well being of not only myself, but also my family, friends and community. I know I’m living my Ikigai when I hear positive feedback from my clients and I feel gratitude in having been able to help them.
One disclaimer: I’m not against prescription medications. As a pharmacist, I know the major benefits of various medications when we are in a crisis for our health. They can help stabilize our condition. Once we are out of the crisis and stabilizing it’s the perfect time to utilize natural healing concepts. There are many ailments that our body knows how to heal with just a little help from a holistic solution. There is no reason why there cannot be a balance between prescription medications and natural healing methods under an integrative practitioner’s care.
At Trulaa Health I aspire to be “True to Nature”. I have worked to create a trust worthy company, following my passion for natural healing solutions. Preventative health is my career passion; finding gems within plant-based premium ingredients, to get the most complete and effective formulas to the community, is what brings me joy.
Thank you for letting me be part of your better health journey!
- Dr. Vinisha Patel, Pharm.D